resources i have used in building this site
- w3 schools! - lots of very good information and the example pages are really useful to fuck around with different stuff before you figure out how you want to implement it on your site. i've linked to the html part here but they've got stuff for css, javascript, and a lot of other coding stuff that's going to go way over my head at the moment
- mozilla webdev documentation - i used this more than w3 initially when i was still getting my head around the very basics of putting this stuff together. i tell you what dude the most basic knowledge of just html even without css or anything on top of that is so fucking useful.... you dont even have to be building your own website necessarily its just a nice tool to have on the modern internet in those places that do allow you to use it
- icon creator - that little image guy on the browser tab left of the title? this is where i made mine!
- cooltext - i'm linking to the burning text one specifically because i like it.
resources i have not used yet but am thinking really hard about using and wanted to include also because i think they're cool.
- nekoweb, not to be confused with webneko, lol - a neocities alternative i might start looking into? i'd consider just mirroring the neocities site, but i think it'd be more interesting to do someting different with it, something that'd take advantage of some of the differences or maybe just because it's more space to host more stuff. i'm having a hard time deciding on what to do with my theming here anyway so maybe that's an opportunity to explore more. possibilities truly are infinite...
- status cafe - i think it's neat. but i don't know yet how much i want to be updating things like this on a day-to-day basis, either, so it might end up constantly outdated???
- ayano's comment widget - i made my neocities before the "new" sites would have a more restrictive script policy (though i'm not yet 100% sure what exactly's meant by that...) so mayyyybeeee it'll still work? but i don't know if it's something i want to include anyway, so. we'll see? maybe only on certain pages...
- melon's gallery maker - i haven't inspected it too closely yet but it might just be exactly the kind of thing i was looking for with my art page????? i was having a bit of a difficult time finding a tutorial way back when i was looking for one. but... the unfortunate thing about having a gallery is that you need to have art to put in it and i've drawn so little (that i want to share, anyway) over the past year and a half... maybe i'll share some pictures i've taken, too.
- music player - i've been slowly putting together a playlist of music (mostly game soundtracks) i'd like to use for stream background noise, but the problem is that i stream so rarely anyway. maybe it could be put to better use here? i'm not sure i specifically want to use this one yet, though. i think i remember webamp looking interesting?
- rv's dhtml / javascript text and graphic effects - self-explanatory i think. but still very neat!
resources i'm unlikely to make use of myself but that i think someone else might like to know about anyway
- sadgrl's layout creator - i stuck my layout together by hand before learning about this one, but if you want to get something together nice 'n quick before you really get down to customizing i think this works out real nice. css is a bit of a pain in the ass at first...
- zonelets - a real simple html/css-only blogging solution. not quite what i'm looking for but i think it might be useful for anyone who just wants to put some words online in their own space; another good place to start. some interesting ideas could certainly be pulled from it, i'd think?
- cbox - a chatbox. for similar reasons to the comment widget i don't know if i have any place i'd want to put something like this anyway... but it's interesting nonetheless!